Monday, September 30, 2019

No Cell Phones for Kids

NO CELL PHONES FOR KIDS Cell phone is considered as an important thing in human life nowadays. We no longer rely on public phones that once we did. The cell phones users are not only people that come from the working class, but also children. Is cell phone really that important? There are a lot of disadvantages of using mobile phones which involves children from age six until thirteen. Some people might think that kids should have cell phones. However, I do believe that kids should not have cell phones.Health, financial and social issues are among of the topics that related with the disadvantages of using cell phones for children. Cell phones can be a distraction and used for bullying. Cell phones can be an easy method for cheating is true, too. Also, cell phones can result in sleep deprivation. Spending a lot of time for using cell phones can result in poor grades. Additionally, Phone use can hamper family interaction. Children’s health affected from the use of cell phones be cause it contains magnetic waves.Cell phones contain magnetic waves which is dangerous to human especially young children who immune system does not enough develop yet. They might suffer a severe disease such as brain cancer. Compare to the adult, the children have the potential to be affected is higher. Thus, the use of cell phones affected the children health. Also, it takes time away from children to go out and run with their friends. They prefer to play games or talk to each other by texting rather than to play outside.Another issue that related with cell phones is financial. When the parents let their children to use cell phone from the early age, they tend to get distracted and use it without any limitation. Children will not consider the amount that have to pay when they use the cell phone. Moreover, they tend to follow the latest style of cell phones. They will want to buy the latest cell phones’ design or buy the cell phone’ gadgets, without even considering t he amounts they have wasted.Therefore, cell phones have caused bad effect for financial. The most affected is children social style in terms of friendship and love. In friendship, they are likely to procrastinate when they started to text their friend. They will chit chat until the wee hours in the morning and left their school work. What make it worst is when the fall in their relationship. They will start to bring their phone everywhere and text their partner whenever they can. This irritating symptom will make their academic grades go down and

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Horror movies

Why Horror Films Rule the World? More and more horror seekers are willing to line up to buy tickets for a scary movie and sit in the front of the screen to watch with blood and terror, all to enjoy the intense experience of being afraid. Scary films provide a terrifying experience of fear in many moviegoers; however, not everyone is willing to take time to enjoy the feeling of being scared and such, instead viewers reject horror movies because they do not want to spend money to feel afraid, threatened, and uncomfortable.On the other hand, many moviegoers are so attracted to watch those horrible scenes, which provide a channel for them to ace their inner emotions without telling anyone else. The increasing popularity of scary films raises an interesting question: if fear is a natural survival response to a dangerous, threatening, or painful situation, why will a lot Of moviegoers desire to seek out that feeling? The answer is obvious.Even though horror movies reveal something disgusti ng and terrible, the appeal of being afraid is one way for viewers, especially young audiences, to achieve spiritual fulfillment. Watching horror movies leaves moviegoers feeling a rush of excitement when they explore their fears, like the experience of riding a leer coaster. Allegro Ring, in her article â€Å"Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear? † describes how the excitement of self-scaring comes from the history of roller coasters.She explains that constructing the tracks and carriages to carry screaming riders across the mountains, which instead of sitting in sleds and speeding down the mountain with additional man-made bumps (Atlantic. Com). The improvement of roller coasters was making riders more excited. Scary movies, are similar to roller coaster, although viewers feel terrified, they enjoy the experience of screaming out and new thrills. The automation satisfies many viewers' emotional enjoyment when the appeal of horror films reaches their inner fears.In addition, Stephe n King, author of â€Å"Why Crave Horror Movies†, argues that â€Å"An horror movies, like roller coasters, have always been the special province of the young† because they have higher desire â€Å"to show that we can, that we are not afraid, that we can ride this roller coaster†, an observation that compares the idea of scary movies to roller coasters that design are for people, particularly young adults, to seek excitement and build confidence (29).Horror movies are most poplar with the young generation, but middle-aged and older adults have less need for getting their scares from horror movies because their real lives are scary enough, such as facing layoff, losing loved ones, dealing with poverty. In other words, young viewers are drawn to the appeal of being scared because they are more likely to look for intense experiences and confirm their capacity of facing their fears.Going to a horror film may not result in immediate excitement like riding a roller co aster, but those scary plots will lead most viewers to gradually feel excited by building the suspense or the audience. Watching horror movies not only offer a wealth of stimulating feelings for audiences to explore their fears, but the monsters in those scary scenes are relatable on a very human level. According to Jason Kinsman, author of The Critique of Pure Horror, states the theory of the philosopher Nol Carroll, a staunch critic of the psychoanalytic approach, â€Å"One virtue of Mr..Carol's theory is that it captures the paradoxical nature of horror's allure: the very oddity that makes monsters repulsive is precisely what makes them attractive† a observation that monsters so attracted to the ewers because those monsters as symbolisms reflect the darkest feelings of humanity (31 ). Many people put on masks to conceal their darkest fears when they around others in their daily lives.People may often have the same feelings as monsters who want to change the world in some w ays. They also want to break the unfair rules without following the law. Even though some of them have those evil ideas, they cannot really do this. Watching horror movies provides a chance for them to expose emotions that society considers unacceptable. Monsters like zombies and ghosts are the horror and disgust elements of scary genres let evil thoughts, wrong decisions, opposite emotions totally expose.When people are brave enough to sit in front of a movie screen that shows the bloody and terror, they can understand their darkest side of themselves. In other words, film producers create monsters, which sketch out the most natural darkest fears of human, to help moviegoers accept and face their fears. Enjoying scary condition is a safe way to earn emotional release that help viewers temporarily escape from the real world.Kinsman mentions that â€Å"while these scholars argued that horror taps onto positive emotions that are otherwise repressed, other psychoanalytic theories saw horror in the opposite light: as a safe and cathartic way to deal with darker feelings† an observation that suggests that scary genres are the safe paths leading to emotional relaxation and on escape from the real world (31 Moreover, Sharon Begley, in her article â€Å"Why Our Brains Love Horror Movies†, mentions that â€Å"we know that, in an hour or two, we're going to walk out whole.We're not going to have any holes in our head, and our hearts will still be in our bodies† (Deliberates. Com). This illustrates why fans of horror ivies are willing to spend one or two hours to sit in the theaters. They know horror movies allow them to explore their fears without placing them in real danger. In other words, the viewers are comfortable with dealing with their darkest fears when they watch those scary genres because they are in a protected state of their minds; they understand that no real harm can come to them. To really enjoy a horror movie, people have to know tha t they are in a completely safe space.The appeal of horror movies goes beyond thrill- seeking and emotional relief because it serves as an effective way to learn how to handle terror. As Begley suggests, â€Å"by learning to suppress feelings and display mastery or cling to others in a dependent ploy for protection, a person learns to cope with another aspect Of his or her environment, a skill that may be useful in dealing with more than just horror pictures† (Deliberates. Com). Scary genres help people learn to manage fears, particularly for teenagers and young adults.More and more moviegoers are willing to line up for the tickets of horror movies, and place themselves in a fear inducing situation for one or two hours. After they expose their forbidden emotions in the cinema, they should try to control those feelings hat society consider unacceptable in their real lives. Although people can happily face the best aspect of themselves; at the same, they need to learn how to de al with their worst and darkest inner emotions. The horror movie genre allows horror seekers to gauge their respective capacities of facing their undesirable feelings.People sometimes love to watch horror films with their friends, families, or lovers because a scary situation helps them to build stronger relationships. Shelley Taylor, in her article Tend and Befriend: Behavioral Bases of Affiliation Under Stress†, shows that â€Å"in addition to eight-or-flight, humans demonstrate tending and befriending responses to stress-?responses underpinned by the hormone extinction† (psych. UCLA. Deed). When people feel afraid, they can release hormones, like cytokine, that solidity the scary moments in their memory.Sometimes audiences care more about the experience Of going to a horror movie with the person, who they consider important, than the scary movie itself. If those viewers have a good movie experience with their friends, families, or partners, they are more likely to bu ild a special closeness in stressful and scary situations. In reticular, horror movies help build relationship between partners. Benjamin Lee, author of â€Å"Scream 4: A Good Date Movie†, believes that â€Å"it may seem odd, but theres good reason to expect that watching a horror movie could increase attraction between partners† (counterrevolutionaries. Com).When a couple enjoys the thrill of fear, they share their reactions of being scared with each other, which leads to a stronger feeling of intimacy because the mutual uneasiness naturally tends to develop stronger bonds between two or more individuals. As I have shown, horror movies present stress inducing subjects, UT those scary images provide a special way for moviegoers, especially young people, to experience psychic satisfaction. Those horrific experiences offer viewers an opportunity to look for stimulation similar to riding roller coasters and a means to deal with the feelings that society consider unaccepta ble.Monsters in scary films play an important role in creating a link with the feelings of an individual's heart. Moreover, horror films develop an environment of being scared but in a safe environment People allow themselves to release their inner fears. More importantly, the purpose of itching scary genres is to learn how to manage ones fears because it as a skill to help people lead a better life. Experiencing fear together can lead people to build stronger relationships with each other. Horror movies Why Horror Films Rule the World? More and more horror seekers are willing to line up to buy tickets for a scary movie and sit in the front of the screen to watch with blood and terror, all to enjoy the intense experience of being afraid. Scary films provide a terrifying experience of fear in many moviegoers; however, not everyone is willing to take time to enjoy the feeling of being scared and such, instead viewers reject horror movies because they do not want to spend money to feel afraid, threatened, and uncomfortable.On the other hand, many moviegoers are so attracted to watch those horrible scenes, which provide a channel for them to ace their inner emotions without telling anyone else. The increasing popularity of scary films raises an interesting question: if fear is a natural survival response to a dangerous, threatening, or painful situation, why will a lot Of moviegoers desire to seek out that feeling? The answer is obvious.Even though horror movies reveal something disgusti ng and terrible, the appeal of being afraid is one way for viewers, especially young audiences, to achieve spiritual fulfillment. Watching horror movies leaves moviegoers feeling a rush of excitement when they explore their fears, like the experience of riding a leer coaster. Allegro Ring, in her article â€Å"Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear? † describes how the excitement of self-scaring comes from the history of roller coasters.She explains that constructing the tracks and carriages to carry screaming riders across the mountains, which instead of sitting in sleds and speeding down the mountain with additional man-made bumps (Atlantic. Com). The improvement of roller coasters was making riders more excited. Scary movies, are similar to roller coaster, although viewers feel terrified, they enjoy the experience of screaming out and new thrills. The automation satisfies many viewers' emotional enjoyment when the appeal of horror films reaches their inner fears.In addition, Stephe n King, author of â€Å"Why Crave Horror Movies†, argues that â€Å"An horror movies, like roller coasters, have always been the special province of the young† because they have higher desire â€Å"to show that we can, that we are not afraid, that we can ride this roller coaster†, an observation that compares the idea of scary movies to roller coasters that design are for people, particularly young adults, to seek excitement and build confidence (29).Horror movies are most poplar with the young generation, but middle-aged and older adults have less need for getting their scares from horror movies because their real lives are scary enough, such as facing layoff, losing loved ones, dealing with poverty. In other words, young viewers are drawn to the appeal of being scared because they are more likely to look for intense experiences and confirm their capacity of facing their fears.Going to a horror film may not result in immediate excitement like riding a roller co aster, but those scary plots will lead most viewers to gradually feel excited by building the suspense or the audience. Watching horror movies not only offer a wealth of stimulating feelings for audiences to explore their fears, but the monsters in those scary scenes are relatable on a very human level. According to Jason Kinsman, author of The Critique of Pure Horror, states the theory of the philosopher Nol Carroll, a staunch critic of the psychoanalytic approach, â€Å"One virtue of Mr..Carol's theory is that it captures the paradoxical nature of horror's allure: the very oddity that makes monsters repulsive is precisely what makes them attractive† a observation that monsters so attracted to the ewers because those monsters as symbolisms reflect the darkest feelings of humanity (31 ). Many people put on masks to conceal their darkest fears when they around others in their daily lives.People may often have the same feelings as monsters who want to change the world in some w ays. They also want to break the unfair rules without following the law. Even though some of them have those evil ideas, they cannot really do this. Watching horror movies provides a chance for them to expose emotions that society considers unacceptable. Monsters like zombies and ghosts are the horror and disgust elements of scary genres let evil thoughts, wrong decisions, opposite emotions totally expose.When people are brave enough to sit in front of a movie screen that shows the bloody and terror, they can understand their darkest side of themselves. In other words, film producers create monsters, which sketch out the most natural darkest fears of human, to help moviegoers accept and face their fears. Enjoying scary condition is a safe way to earn emotional release that help viewers temporarily escape from the real world.Kinsman mentions that â€Å"while these scholars argued that horror taps onto positive emotions that are otherwise repressed, other psychoanalytic theories saw horror in the opposite light: as a safe and cathartic way to deal with darker feelings† an observation that suggests that scary genres are the safe paths leading to emotional relaxation and on escape from the real world (31 Moreover, Sharon Begley, in her article â€Å"Why Our Brains Love Horror Movies†, mentions that â€Å"we know that, in an hour or two, we're going to walk out whole.We're not going to have any holes in our head, and our hearts will still be in our bodies† (Deliberates. Com). This illustrates why fans of horror ivies are willing to spend one or two hours to sit in the theaters. They know horror movies allow them to explore their fears without placing them in real danger. In other words, the viewers are comfortable with dealing with their darkest fears when they watch those scary genres because they are in a protected state of their minds; they understand that no real harm can come to them. To really enjoy a horror movie, people have to know tha t they are in a completely safe space.The appeal of horror movies goes beyond thrill- seeking and emotional relief because it serves as an effective way to learn how to handle terror. As Begley suggests, â€Å"by learning to suppress feelings and display mastery or cling to others in a dependent ploy for protection, a person learns to cope with another aspect Of his or her environment, a skill that may be useful in dealing with more than just horror pictures† (Deliberates. Com). Scary genres help people learn to manage fears, particularly for teenagers and young adults.More and more moviegoers are willing to line up for the tickets of horror movies, and place themselves in a fear inducing situation for one or two hours. After they expose their forbidden emotions in the cinema, they should try to control those feelings hat society consider unacceptable in their real lives. Although people can happily face the best aspect of themselves; at the same, they need to learn how to de al with their worst and darkest inner emotions. The horror movie genre allows horror seekers to gauge their respective capacities of facing their undesirable feelings.People sometimes love to watch horror films with their friends, families, or lovers because a scary situation helps them to build stronger relationships. Shelley Taylor, in her article Tend and Befriend: Behavioral Bases of Affiliation Under Stress†, shows that â€Å"in addition to eight-or-flight, humans demonstrate tending and befriending responses to stress-?responses underpinned by the hormone extinction† (psych. UCLA. Deed). When people feel afraid, they can release hormones, like cytokine, that solidity the scary moments in their memory.Sometimes audiences care more about the experience Of going to a horror movie with the person, who they consider important, than the scary movie itself. If those viewers have a good movie experience with their friends, families, or partners, they are more likely to bu ild a special closeness in stressful and scary situations. In reticular, horror movies help build relationship between partners. Benjamin Lee, author of â€Å"Scream 4: A Good Date Movie†, believes that â€Å"it may seem odd, but theres good reason to expect that watching a horror movie could increase attraction between partners† (counterrevolutionaries. Com).When a couple enjoys the thrill of fear, they share their reactions of being scared with each other, which leads to a stronger feeling of intimacy because the mutual uneasiness naturally tends to develop stronger bonds between two or more individuals. As I have shown, horror movies present stress inducing subjects, UT those scary images provide a special way for moviegoers, especially young people, to experience psychic satisfaction. Those horrific experiences offer viewers an opportunity to look for stimulation similar to riding roller coasters and a means to deal with the feelings that society consider unaccepta ble.Monsters in scary films play an important role in creating a link with the feelings of an individual's heart. Moreover, horror films develop an environment of being scared but in a safe environment People allow themselves to release their inner fears. More importantly, the purpose of itching scary genres is to learn how to manage ones fears because it as a skill to help people lead a better life. Experiencing fear together can lead people to build stronger relationships with each other.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Admin Research Information Essay

1.1 Give reasons for agreeing objectives and deadlines for researching information Agreeing objectives is essential for a team or individual to know what they are focusing on to avoid wasting resources and time. Deadlines strongly affect what you research, for example, if a deadline of one week is agreed for writing a newspaper, you wouldn’t want to include today’s news as it would be very outdated by the time of publication. 1.2 Give reasons for identifying and agreeing sources of information It’s useful to identify and agree a source to use when researching information, as a standardised method means more uniform work. All information would be in a similar format when gathered from one source, but also, there is less room for error, as the agreed upon source is likely to be accurate and widely trusted. 1.3 Explain the purpose of recording and storing information researched Storing information is essential for many reasons; these include ease of access and readability, the level of detail you are able to store, the choice to have various copies of the information in case of loss and ease of transfer. 2.1 Agree aims, objectives and deadlines for the information search Agreeing aims and objectives helps me to do my work efficiently as they give me a clear idea of what I need to find and why. Deadlines are also very important to me as our customers and our reputation are negatively affected if don’t complete work in the required time so time limits help me estimate the time I have to spend on each one, otherwise, for example, I could spend too long researching one dental practice and affect another. 2.2 Identify sources of information Information can come from numerous sources, for example, other people such as colleagues or friends, online knowledge bases such as Wikipedia or books on the subject in question 2.3 Search for and obtain data I can search for information using the sources stated in the previous criteria, then to obtain the relevant data, I sift through all on offer then write down or type up what I require. If the information is copyrighted I would need to contact the author and request permission to use the data. 2.4 Check that data is suitable for the purpose of the research To ensure the data I find is suitable for the purpose of the research, I should agree guidelines for exactly what is needed and in what format with my manager or whoever set the task. 2.5 Record the data and store it securely I record information in various formats, such as documents onto my computer, memory stick or external hard drive, and onto websites such as Google Calendar and KashFlow. The majority of the information I deal with is confidential so I have to guarantee they are kept secure. I do this by setting strong passwords that only myself and any other required individuals know, and by keeping hardware on my person or locked away. 2.6 Make a record of information sources used It’s important to record all sources I use, as I often need to refer back to previously used documents, or find other information from a particular source. All records are kept organised and secure in our lockable store room. 2.7 Meet deadlines for completing research As previously mentioned, completing research in the set deadlines is important for me to present accurate data, and keep the strong relationship we have with our clients. To ensure I meet these deadlines, I have to carefully prioritise my workload and plan in advance how to tackle it, as I get a steady stream of new site notes every week and some are far more urgent than others.

Friday, September 27, 2019

UK and American Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK and American Financial Markets - Essay Example (Weale, 2008) Since many of the leading economies in the world are in North America and Europe, these regions are the worst hit. East Asian economic giant Japan seems not to have been impacted. Emerging economic superpowers in the form of China and India have shown stable credit markets too. (Barrell & Hurst, 2008) As the U.S. financial markets are most closely linked to that of Europe in general and the UK in particular, the effect of the credit crisis is most acute on the latter. If the total losses induced by the current economic recession crosses $1000, then this will constitute a 7.4 percent contraction in US GDP. But other countries such as the UK will also be affected by this contraction since their banking institutions have invested in US mortgages. This means that other countries such as the UK are adversely affected as well. In the UK, although the losses have not measured accurately so far, it is a fair estimate that losses of 2-3 per cent of GDP have been incurred. But even before the credit derivatives crisis took hold, the IMF gave out warnings through its World Economic Outlook reports. The report also made obvious that any crisis in the U.S. financial markets would have a cascade effect on the UK and beyond. For example, in the report released in 2008, months before the outbreak of the credit crisis, it stated that "It is possible that falling house prices could induce US consumers to default on prime loans issued to good creditors with significant housing equity. It is also possible that default rates on credit cards and car loans could rise, but perhaps this is less likely as the short-term costs are perhaps higher. In addition it is possible that borrowers with negative equity in the UK and elsewhere might choose to default on their loans when house prices are falling and, if they did, banking sector losses could mount." (Barrell & Liadze, 2009) Just as the recession was taking hold in the US, analysts predicted that there would be spill over effects on the rest of the world, including the UK. And so far, those predictions have proven to be true. The crisis triggered by the failure of credit derivatives in the US would affect other countries depending on which areas the losses affected and their impact on the banking system. At a time when the effects of global recession was on an ascendency, scholars Ray Barrell and Ian Hurst, noted that "if we spread the losses evenly then growth in the UK would also slow, this year and next, and we might see growth as low as 1.4 per cent this year and marginally lower than 1 per cent next year. On the same basis Euro Area growth might slow to around 1.2 per cent in each year. These falls could be compounded if there were domestic problems in these countries as well as in the US". (Barrell & Hurst, 2008) And economic data for 2009 and 2010 has vindicated their predictions, further underlyi ng the fact that the UK economy is highly dependent on the fortunes and fluctuations of the American economy. During the first phase of the recession, it is natural to see an increase in bank borrowing, as business corporations seek to utilize

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managment - Term Paper Example and experimental culture regardless of the number of years Intuit has been in business.The essay briefly describes the leadership skills and management style of Brad Smith, and his efforts to drive the Company to a higher market share. Brad began his entrepreneurship journey in his early years. He was in martial arts starting at the age of 14 and got his black belt by the age of 18. Soon after, he was teaching an entire school with about 150 students. His early life was unbelievably intense due to the self-awareness part of being a black belt. At that point, he knew nothing about entrepreneurship, and that is where his journey began. His dad worked for Nestle for about 26 years and ended up being the mayor of their hometown. He was tough but kind to everybody and treated each one around him like a human being. Brad spent six years in a job doing a range of jobs in marketing, before joining Intuit. He started the Internet division at a time the dot-com was booming and convinced the board to avail US$40 million to be used in signing two e-commerce deals. He convinced the board that it was possible for them to sell more products online than their salesforce could do. The plan did not succeed as planned but the board still trusted Brad to deliver for the company in future endeavors. Brad Smith joined Intuit in 2003, serving as the Vice President as well as the general manager of the Company’s Accountant Central and Developer Network in Plano (Furr, Dyer, & Christensen, 2014). Brad also led Intuit’s Consumer Tax Group from March 2004 to May 2005 in San Diego. In May 2006, he was selected to serve as the senior Vice President as well as the general manager of the Company’s Small Business Division. He was fully responsible for the small business division department of the company and dealt with the portfolio of Quicken, QuickBooks, and the Payroll products. Later in January 2008, Brad was selected to become the president and chief executive officer of

Networks Systems & Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Networks Systems & Technologies - Essay Example The firm also has a traveling sales force which needs to connect to the office network to access the sales applications and other administrative applications. The network users include managers, designers, sales, finance staff and secretaries. From the perspective of IT users and network spread, this can be called as a medium scale company network. The overall IT strategy would be simple and would include the following elements for us to consider – The company network would follow a two-layered architecture (Figure 2) with the head office & factory in the top layer and other 3 offices in the second layer connected to the network backbone. All offices would be connected to each other through a Wide Area Network (WAN) (Figure 1). Users in the individual offices would be connected to the network through a Local Area Network (LAN) forming a â€Å"Star Network† (Figure 3) going into the Ethernet Hub. The Ethernet Hub would be connected to the router. The other offices would be connected via routers to the network backbone and supported remotely from the head office. This type of architecture is chosen because majority of users are in the head office and factory. For the company wide access to various applications and systems, an Active Directory Server system will need to be used. An Active Directory server will be installed at every location and will have to be identified as a Global Service Catalog (containing all user information), DHCP, DNS Server and Domain Controller. This will enable all offices to have network connectivity even when the WAN network lines to other offices are down. The storage of servers and cables as well as the individual speeds are also part of the overall network design but slightly technical in nature. The types of servers needed will be determined by the applications and other infrastructure management tools which will be used within the company. A category 6 data cable will be used to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

RESPONSE PAPER#4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

RESPONSE PAPER#4 - Essay Example ction of the poem the poet discovers some new vision about the world and this alters the scenario completely and changes our perception about everything gradually. The poem holds two implications juxtaposed but held by a string of tension. The first message is that of a life almost suffocated by the mechanisms working around us and the second message pertains to the innovative commentary that he makes and where he even incorporates himself. (Christensen, 212) He attempts to destroy the trend of life centering on Delphi but also creates a kind of myth and epic out of his vision. For instance in the reading itself the poet talks about the notion of delaying and not being able to respond to situations on a timely basis. For instance if a sailor is always being obedient and cannot take any decisions by him then simple things like crossing a wet deck would involve a hesitation and hence the action would get delayed. He describes himself to be indistinguishable as a Greek in particular bec ause he has been picking up more western habits almost like an American who is usually a compilation of multi cultural practices – â€Å"No Greek will be able to discriminate my body. An American is a complex of occasions themselves a geometry of spatial nature† (Olson, 148). At the end of the section of The Maximus in the reading the poet wants the city of Gloucester to change. The poem makes an effort to build the context around the city of Gloucester. The poem itself incorporates the four characteristics of city-states across different cultural backdrops. There is a definite definition of a city, which is usually surrounded by walls and water. A city-state normally thrives to become economically self-dependent and a basic idea about sharing linguistic cultural and historical elements. At last, every polis is governed independently by its self-elected authority. The poet here urges Gloucester to change its rule or polis. The poet urges the readers to change and shed the previous

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic mangement for business building success Essay

Strategic mangement for business building success - Essay Example Further analysis in this report will go on to provide both SWOT and PEST analysis besides providing recommendations on the different ways through which the company can be improved to be exclusively competitive so as to acquire an advantage above the other companies offering similar structure of business within the same market. The production of crisps has been on the rise in the British market due to the increase in consumption of the vegetable crisps. Despite the clarified state of facts that UK has recorded increased consumption of crisps, study shows that close to six billion packets of the crisps are consumed annually in the United Kingdom alone thereby making the business more successful due to the high rates of consumption of its products. This report will be dealing with the understanding that the crisps company has been seen as highly competitive as observed from the perspective of the Tyrrells Company. The Company was founded in a court farm owned by the Tyrrells family in a place known as Herefordshire in the year 2002. It has always been recognized by a large base of customers for the types of tasty crisps that are hand cooked as well as vegetable crisps. The company also manufactures other relevant products that have witnessed an encouraging level of approval from the customer base within the market including savoury nibbles, popcorns and other premium snacks that are distributed around a large market through more than one country. The company has been distributing their products to many distributors and stores in the United Kingdom through distribution channels which have also been expanded into an international business venture supplying other markets such as France, North America, Netherlands and Germany amongst other large market bases around the world. This company has employed close to 270 employees and the company has managed to generate more than 100 million pounds in their retail sales and

Monday, September 23, 2019


MUSEUM VISIT AND ANALYSIS OF A WORK OF ART - Essay Example The sculpted image brings the two Hindu deities; Shiva and Parvati, into a mutual harmony that pictures a microcosm of the Hindu society. Upon critical assessment of the artwork, it is clear that there was an elucidation of a vision of reunion of nature. The artwork can be said to be a microcosm of societal codependence and coexistence. Moreover, the elucidation and texture of the sculpture exudes power and authority to the viewer in the finest nuances. The Stele with Shiva and Parvati is a high relief sculpture on hard wood. In the sculpture, the deities are attended by their offspring; the human headed Skanda on the lower right and the elephant headed Ganesha on the lower left. There is also Shiva’s bull Nandi that protrudes his head besides Shiva’s right hip. Notable in this artwork is the detail with which the sculpture tried to create the whole form. In this artwork, as in the other works of Indian art, there is a voluptuous feeling because of the freedom of expres sion. This form gives the artwork a strong sense of Indian culture of the 10th and 11th century. The sculpture is a depiction of images that were central to the iconography of Paryathi in India including the theme of Shiva, the image of Shiva and the image of Liga and Yoni. The images form a combination of Shiva and Parvati, yielding a vision of reconciliation as seen in the sculpture. In the artwork, it is clear that the two deities are interdependent and their positioning breaks the rule of Indian art a little by depicting the two with no significant size difference. They are therefore, almost commanding the same power and ability. This means that may be the person who curved it attempted to deconstruct the Hindu social expectation and hierarchy of deities. Although, in reality the Shiva looks bigger in size and form in this sculpture; the earlier artworks depicts this difference as substantial. The form and texture of the sculpture is also an interesting part. For example, the co mbination of the two deities may also symbolize a union of man and woman in elation and sexual bliss; given by the shiny surface which characterizes sexual power. As alluded before, the style in this sculpture is slightly drifting from the traditional Hindu art made before and after by the fact that in the creation of the two deities, Shiva is depicted as powerful and huge in size than Parvati who is depicted as smaller in size and submissive. The Hindu mythology has it that Parvati is the source of all power, and although Parvati is junior to Shiva, Shiva gets all his power from her. Therefore, this artwork stands with its own narrative different from the pieces created of Shiva and Parvati before and after this work’s creation period. This makes it representative of style of the artworks created during its time, but different to the then popular thematic narrative. This sculpture was intended to be placed in a temple or visible public walls in India because it depicted two deities, which were highly significant in the Hindu religion. In line with the dressing code of the central India, Parvati is in a dress that flows to her feet. Their independence to each other depicts the way Indian religion viewed the deities as independent, but mutually

Sunday, September 22, 2019

To Build a Fire Essay Example for Free

To Build a Fire Essay Part 2 After you have read the original version of To Build a Fire, answer the following questions: 1.What is the setting of the story? It was on the Yukon Territory on a very cold day. 2.What is the central conflict of the story? What is the source of the struggle? The real conflict is Tom versus Hypothermia, but does to the lack of experience he has trouble. 3.What happens to Tom Vincent at the end of the story? What does he learn? He learns pride is really a man’s worst enemy, and he dies. Part 3 After reading the last three paragraphs of the second version of the story, answer the following questions: 1.What happens to the central character at the end of the second version? He builds a fire and limps off to safety. 2.Which one of these endings do you think more clearly meets the conventions of naturalism? Be sure to consider the concept of determinism as you list your reasons. I think that the version where he dies does, simply because it is survival of the fittest, and if he were to win that would be showing the wrong idea, prideful people get cut down, they do not succeed you must be humble to prosper. Part 4Â  For homework, write an essay addressing the Focus Question: How does To Build a Fire illustrate the elements of naturalistic literature? As you write, consider the story as a whole, the conventions of naturalism, and the philosophies that influenced Jack London. As I see it this novel is a piece of naturalistic literature because it shows man’s pride, his struggle to prove it and how he plans to survive. It breaks humanity down to a basic level, male dominance and basic survival instinct. Nothing is more natural than a man and his dog in the wilderness fighting to live. The outcome is also naturalistic because it shows how man’s pride can get him cut down; in his case he lost his life, that’s why I think this book shows naturalism.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impacts of Globalization and Gaming

Impacts of Globalization and Gaming Video game franchise has taken the world by storm. It is design to trigger human emotion by satisfying one need to kill, venting of frustration and anger. Video gaming is used to de-stress, educate and kill time. People would spend hundreds of dollars in the gaming sector and this has make gaming the primary platform of entertainment and lifestyle. Impact of globalization and gaming The media has played the primary leader in re-shaping our future by imprinting images on how things should be. Images shown on advertisement, commercials, the covers of magazine and newspaper prove to have impact and stir up interest among consumers. Thus, making media consumptions as a form of manual for Life A guide to live your life Here, I am making a distinctive connection between the influences of the video game market, game production sales, game demograph and global culture. The major and leading players in the gaming industry would be the U.S and Japan. Business competition has stir up due to many other nations eager to get involve and follow the footstep of both big players. This shows how important video gaming industry has become and how it conquers the centre stage of globalization. It is predicted to posses a huge growth in coming years. Statistics shows a steady yet gradual growth in the gaming sector from the year 2002 2007 (image 1.1), overtaking other media market such as film and music. Leading franchise, Mario, created in Japan, has yield over 200 games since original release date back in 1981. Mario has then become the official mascot of Nintendo. With help from the media, everyone from every corner of the world will know who or what is Mario. It has turned itself global by its iconic representation of video game. A side from technical statistics, market has showed distinctive trends. It is obvious how our male counterpart dominant the gaming market but what is more startling is the growth and impact of girls and woman showing interest to this market over the recent years. (Image 1.2) In late November, president of Nintendo America, Reggie Fils-Aime presented several data points outlining the current gender breakdown of console play in the U.S. Reggie estimates there are 45 million people playing video games as the primary players in the U.S. Of those, Nintendo is estimating 26% are female, or roughly 11.7 million. Wanda Meloni, Gamasutra Factors such as online gaming and PC gaming are the key contributor, especially with the existence of social networking site such as Twitter and Facebook, Apart from your ordinary 2D-Planes of your computer screen, gaming console took a leap in providing both sharing and social networking into their programs. Sharing movies, pictures, music and gaming has never been a breeze while doing it in the comfort of your own living room. Such experiences have turn into a lifestyle and morphed itself into a global culture. With tool like the Internet, people from all over the world are able to communicate, share and learn other cultures. That is how the existence of game production catering to certain culture and country originate. It is evident on the gaming box art. (Image 1.3)Â   Issue Despite these positive activities stir up by the gaming market, there are still problems that need to be addressed. Base on the research I have undergone, it is evident how gamers or consumers are not aware of the upcoming games. Surveys that I have done showed almost eighty percent of gamers surveyed are not aware of the latest games that are on sales. (Image 1.4) Advertising of the games has proved to be unsuccessful. Alas, most consumers who were surveyed claimed they found out about new games releases through word of mouth or the Internet. Website such as Gamespot will show weekly game releases. (Image 1.5) Gaming Experience Your heart is beating out of control; your hands are covered in blood, your eyes staring straight at him, with your finger on the trigger. This is your final stand, should you open fire? But he is a human being? Will he kill you? Or is this all a dream? The deafening sound of silence abrupt the surrounding, now its kill or be killed. You pull the trigger. He lay before you, dead. Before you know it, he slowly fades into the background. He disappears. A typical scenario for every gamer who plays combat war game. The only difference between reality and virtual reality is the hesitation to kill a person in a game. Virtual reality has set emotions wide apart from reality. One is more likely to kill a person in a game compare to a real life event. Why has gaming eradicate every emotion in a person when it comes to killing another player? Well, the explanation is simple. No one dies in a game. Virtual reality is design in a way that it will feed off most of our emotions without us worrying what are the consequences. Unlike reality, gaming allows players to redeem back their mistake by restarting the game. It fascinates me how game design has the ability to create fantastic visual effects; immersive graphics and beautiful environment that consumed one and let gamers live their character through computer games. Amazing how this two-dimensional generating image let users escape reality and let them live a pseudo character. How or what about this moving images let us, gamers, experience this out of body experience? How can something that is not physical enable and leave a memorable marking of its existences in our mind. Case Study Virtual Guggenheim Museum designed Asymptote has designed a physical virtual world in a space. Challenged to break free from the standard web site layout, Guggenheim requested a virtual space to compliment its striking New York Museum. Debut as a perfect hybrid of electronic space and physical space, Hani Rashid claims virtual spaces are designed with the same attention to detail as real physical buildings. The design inspiration comes from the idea of three-dimensional spatial traversable space on the Internet and real-time interactive elements located at various Guggenheim locations. Guggenheim Virtual Museum will be the first virtual building of the 21st century to fully show the relations of art, space, commerce and architecture. This virtual museum will be an ideal space to convey art and experience through interactive digital medium. Element such as the sound, image and dynamic fluid environment unlike any physical space are able to respond to the direction of the user without hindering its contents. As highlighted in image 2.2 and 2.3, galleries structure are wire-framed to emphasise on transparency and opacity. This movement is base on where the viewers move in the space Ultimately, architects think spatially and where theres a spatial issue were the ones trained historically to figure out how to make people understand and feel the emotional, physical and artistic side of a space Hani Rashid Designing Virtual Reality to Reality Time and space does not exist in a game. Distance cannot be measured and mass cannot be weighed. The physical manifestation exists only if we perceive it. Virtual reality is a warped space. Through this, I am inspired to design a permanent exhibition space in relation to the gaming cycle of life and death. It is base on the dynamic movement in a game and experiencing two-dimensional visuals into three-dimensional. This space will address the issue that was mentioned earlier; Promoting and creating awareness to new game releases to the mass. Base on the definition of Utopia, both living and dead spaces will fully illustrate the position of bliss. Some see death as a paradise while other sees fear in death. Imagine walking through a space that fully depicts death as a form of Utopia, a paradise and an unforsaken world that detach itself from reality. Walking through a dark narrow passage with nothing but the shimmering star that brightens your way. A journey nobody has ever experience. A psychological journey that let users experience death in both euphoric and frightening state, far from tranquillity. It is a momentary journey that makes users of the space ponder and reflect upon their own well-being The design approach is divided into three primary journey, reality, life and death. Reality is design to be grounded to the ground in which illustrates how our lives are tie down to our beliefs. Life is depicted to be hovering in between death. While death is describe as the answer to our entire question in life and reality that were left unanswered. Death space is design to overview the whole space. Designs using three way planes, the planes are a representation of life, death and reality. It consist of lines overlapping each other, depicting how life, death and reality overlapping each other to form and create dimensions, depth, gravity and volumes. All this planes will merge into one core area that illustrates the gaming cycle. The different hierarchy of spaces and planes creates a weaving journey that makes users move in and out of spaces. Life and Death Cycle Through Design The journey begins with two entrances that were place base on the human traffic directions. (Image 4.1) As you walk through the narrow path of the dimly lighted surrounding, you are greeted by this massive, rustic metallic structure that seemed to be hovering. Struck with curiosity, you cant help but to venture into this foreign, alienated space that awaits you. As you walk in through the narrow tunnel, you could hear the surrounding of the environment starts to quiet down. Suddenly, the pleasant sound of silence hits you, the thought of a broken clock gives birth to tranquillity and an escape from reality youve been waiting for. It feels as if you are in a different world where time does not exist. A long flight of glass staircase awaits you on the other end of the tunnel. (Image 4.2) With precarious footing on the steps, you climb the flight of stairs wondering where it will lead you too. The sight of the staircase seems endless. You never know what it is like to walk on glass. It feels as if youre hovering on the glass staircase as you see stranger climbing the staircase on the other side of the glass wall. (Image 4.3) You stop mid-way through the journey as you feel the transition of space varies from where you were from. The surrounding becomes vast as you see the exterior environment of the space. Move further up, you be greeted with a dark narrow space. You question your surrounding and it finally struck you that youre in a gaming environment. The metal rustic wall, the lights, the intense bold feeling you get from the dimly lighted space that is clad with perforated metal walls makes you feel as if youre in a combat science fiction game. From the perforated wall, you could see the people outside the space. Alas, the people from the other side of the wall could not see what is happening in the space. As you bask into the environment and take a new control of your journey, you see another staircase. Wondering where it will go, you decide to take the chance and proceed down the steps. As you place your footing, one foot at a time, you realised you are detached from the pervious space. You are back to reality. (Image 4.5) It feels as if youre taking a break from an alter reality space and the decision for you to immerse back into gaming or get back to reality is left unanswered in this space you are currently at. As you explore the space, you stumble upon another staircase hidden behind this massive structure, leading you to the ground floor. You decide to proceed down the staircase. You are back to reality and proceed on with your daily life. Conclusion Various views on impact of globalization and gaming have been presented. It shows how gaming can change ones culture and behaviour but ultimately, the gaming experience one indulge in is nothing compare to reality. It helps escape reality for that spur moment. This let one rejuvenate themselves and continue on with life, just like how gaming enable us to restart a game when we failed to complete certain task. This design will help to create awareness of the existence of gaming and its impact on a physical stand. Thus, helps both gamers and production companies establish a more prominent relationship with its consumers. It is not the impression; it is the experience that counts.